
Journal Papers

Book Chapters

Conference Papers


Journal Papers

[J53]A. Chen, S. Ratnasamy, M. Alizadeh, M. Chowdhury, R. Huang, S. Jagannathan, E. Lee, S. Low, M. Mao, J.L. Mathieu, M. Reiter, X. Wang, and V. Cerf, “Resilient Infrastructures via Digital Unification”. Submitted.
[J52]O.E. Oyefeso, D.A. Geller, I.M. Granitsas, D.S. Callaway, and J.L. Mathieu, “A hardware-in-the-loop experimental testbed using air conditioners for grid balancing”. Submitted.
[J51]W. Wu, S. Lei, Q.Z. Sun, and J.L. Mathieu, “Energy efficiency of commercial HVAC-based virtual batteries for load shifting”. Submitted.
[J50]J.L. Mathieu, G. Verbič, T. Morstyn, M. Almassalkhi, K. Baker, J. Braslavsky, K. Bruninx, Y. Dvorkin, G.S. Ledva, N. Mahdavi, H. Pandžić, A. Parisio, and V. Perić, “A new definition of demand response in the distributed energy resource era”. Submitted.
[J49]J. Peng, J. King, and J.L. Mathieu, “Optimal replacement of coal with wind and battery energy storage”. In: Environmental Research: Energy 1.4 (2024), pp. 045009.
[J48]I.M. Granitsas, O.E. Oyefeso, G.S. Ledva, S.A. Mock, S.R. Hinson, I.A. Hiskens, and J.L. Mathieu, “Controlling air conditioners for frequency regulation: A real-world example”. In: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Accepted.
[J47]A. Stuhlmacher, S. Guikema, and J.L. Mathieu, “Assessing power and water network resilience when water pumps provide frequency regulation”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Accepted.
[J46]J. Peng, J. Buchsbaum, C. Hausman, and J.L. Mathieu, “Power system decarbonization: A comparison between carbon taxes and forcing coal power plant retirements”. In: IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 15.4 (2024), pp. 2310-2321.
[J45]S. Jang, N. Ozay, and J.L. Mathieu, “An invariant set construction method, applied to safe coordination of thermostatic loads”. In: IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 11.4 (2024), pp. 2213-2225.
[J44]S. Jang, N. Ozay, and J.L. Mathieu, “Probabilistic constraint construction for network-safe load coordination”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 39.2 (2024), pp. 4473-4485.
[J43]J. Buchsbaum, C. Hausman, J.L. Mathieu, and J. Peng. “Spillovers from ancillary services to wholesale energy markets”. In: The RAND Journal of Economics 55.1 (2024), pp. 87-111.
[J42]J. de Chalendar, A. Keskar, J.X. Johnson, and J.L. Mathieu, “Living laboratories can and should play a greater role to unlock flexibility in US commercial buildings”. In: Joule 8.1 (2024), pp. 13-28.
[J41]A.J. Lin, S. Lei, A. Keskar, I. Hiskens, J.X. Johnson, and J.L. Mathieu, “The Sub-metered HVAC Implemented For Demand Response (SHIFDR) dataset”. In: ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control. 146.1 (2024), 011107.
[J40]M. Yao, S. Roy, and J.L. Mathieu, “Using demand response to improve power system small-signal stability”. In: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 36 (2023), 101214.
[J39]K. Girigoudar, M. Yao, J.L. Mathieu, L.A. Roald, “Integration of centralized and distributed methods to mitigate voltage unbalance using solar inverters”. In: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 14.3 (2023), pp. 2034-2046.
[J38]B. Li, R. Jiang, J.L. Mathieu, “Integrating unimodality into distributionally robust optimal power flow”. In: TOP 30 (2022), pp. 594-617.
[J37]A. Keskar, S. Lei, T. Webb, S. Nagy, I.A. Hiskens, J.L. Mathieu, J.X. Johnson, “Assessing the performance of global thermostat adjustment in commercial buildings for load shifting demand response”. In: Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability 2.1 (2022), 015003.
[J36]A. Andrews, J. Roth, R.K. Jain, and J.L. Mathieu, “Data-driven examination of the impact energy efficiency has on demand response capabilities in institutional buildings”. In: ASME Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities. 3.2 (2022), 024501.
[J35]S. Lei, J.L. Mathieu, and R.K. Jain. “Performance of existing methods in baselining demand response from commercial building HVAC fans”. In: ASME Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities 2.2 (2021), 021002.
[J34]M. Yao, I.A. Hiskens, and J.L. Mathieu. “Mitigating voltage unbalance using distributed solar photovoltaic inverters”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36.3 (2021), pp. 2642-2651.
[J33]S.C. Ross and J.L. Mathieu. “Strategies for network-safe load control with a third-party aggregator and a distribution operator”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36.4 (2021), pp. 3329-3339.
[J32]L. Herre, J.L. Mathieu, and L. Söder. “Impact of market timing on the profit of a risk-averse load aggregator”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35.5 (2020), pp. 3970-3980.
[J31]A. Stuhlmacher and J.L. Mathieu. “Chance-constrained water pumping to manage water and power demand uncertainty in distribution networks”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 108.9 (2020), pp. 1640-1655.
[J30]G.S. Ledva and J.L. Mathieu. “Separating feeder demand into components using substation, feeder, and smart meter measurements”. In: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11.4 (2020), pp. 3280-3290.
[J29]A. Keskar, D. Anderson, J. X. Johnson, I. A. Hiskens, and J. L. Mathieu. “Do commercial buildings become less efficient when they provide grid ancillary services?” In: Energy Efficiency 13.3 (2020), pp. 487-501.
[J28]B. Li, R. Jiang, and J.L. Mathieu. “Distributionally robust chance constrained optimal power flow assuming unimodal distributions with misspecified modes”. In: IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 6.3 (2019), pp. 1223-1234.
[J27]M. Yao, D.K. Molzahn, and J.L. Mathieu. “An optimal power flow approach to improve power system voltage stability using demand response”. In: IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 6.3 (2019), pp. 1015-1025.
[J26]S.C. Ross, G. Vuylsteke, and J.L. Mathieu. “Effects of load-based frequency regulation on distribution network operation”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34.2 (2019), pp. 1569-1578.
[J25]M. Vrakopoulou, B. Li, and J.L. Mathieu. “Chance constrained reserve scheduling using uncertain controllable loads, Part I: Formulation and scenario-based analysis”. In: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10.2 (2019), pp. 1608-1617.
[J24]B. Li, M. Vrakopoulou, and J.L. Mathieu. “Chance constrained reserve scheduling using uncertain controllable loads, Part II: Analytical reformulation”. In: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10.2 (2019), pp.1618-1625.
[J23]B. Li, R. Jiang, and J.L. Mathieu. “Ambiguous risk constraints with moment and unimodality information”. In: Mathematical Programming 173.1-2 (2019), pp. 151-192.
[J22]N.A. Ryan, Y. Lin, N. Mitchell-Ward, J.L. Mathieu, and J.X. Johnson. “Use-phase drives lithium ion battery life cycle environmental impacts when used for frequency regulation”. In: Environmental Science & Technology 52.17 (2018), pp. 10163-10174.
 [J21]G.S. Ledva, L. Balzano, and J.L. Mathieu. “Real-time energy disaggregation of a distribution feeder’s demand using online learning”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33.5 (2018), pp. 4730-4740.
[J20]G.S. Ledva, E. Vrettos, S. Mastellone, G. Andersson, and J.L. Mathieu. “Managing communication delays and model error in demand response”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33.2 (2018), pp. 1299-1308.
[J19]S. Forrester, A. Zaman, J.L Mathieu, and J.X. Johnson. “Policy and market barriers to energy storage providing multiple services”. In: The Electricity Journal 30.9 (2017), pp. 50-56.
 [J18]P. Fortenbacher, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Modeling and optimal operation of distributed battery storage in low voltage grids”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32.6 (2017), pp. 4340-4350.
[J17]Y. Lin, J.L. Mathieu, J.X. Johnson, I.A. Hiskens, and S. Backhaus. “Explaining inefficiencies in commercial buildings providing power system ancillary services”. In: Energy and Buildings 152 (2017), pp. 216-226.
[J16]O. Mégel, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Hybrid stochastic-deterministic multi-period DC optimal power flow”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32.5 (2017), pp. 3934-3945.
[J15]Y. Zhang, S. Shen, and J.L. Mathieu. “Distributionally robust chance-constrained optimal power flow with uncertain renewables and uncertain reserves provided by loads”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32.2 (2017), pp. 1378-1388.
[J14]Y. Lin, P. Barooah, and J.L. Mathieu. “Ancillary services through demand scheduling and control of commercial buildings”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32.1 (2017), pp. 186-197.
[J13]J.A. Taylor, J.L. Mathieu, D.S. Callaway, and K. Poolla. “Price and capacity competition in balancing markets with energy storage”. In: Energy Systems 8.1 (2017), pp. 169-197.
[J12]T. Haring, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Comparing centralized and decentralized contract design enabling direct load control for reserves”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31.3 (2016), pp. 2044-2054.
[J11]Y. Lin, J.X. Johnson, and J.L. Mathieu. “Emissions impacts of using energy storage for power system reserves”. In: Applied Energy 168 (2016), pp. 444-456.
[J10]O. Mégel, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Scheduling distributed energy storage units to provide multiple services under forecast error”. In: International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 72 (2015), pp. 48-57.
[J9]J.L. Mathieu, M. Kamgarpour, J. Lygeros, G. Andersson, and D.S. Callaway. “Arbitraging intraday wholesale energy market prices with aggregations of thermostatic loads”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30.2 (2015), pp. 763-772.
[J8]J.L. Mathieu, M.E.H. Dyson, and D.S. Callaway. “Resource and revenue potential of California residential load participation in ancillary services”. In: Energy Policy 80 (2015), pp. 76-87.
[J7]N.J. Addy, S. Kiliccote, D.S. Callaway, and J.L. Mathieu. “How baseline model implementation choices affect demand response assessments”. In: ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering – Including Wind Energy and Building Energy Conservation 137.2 (2015), 021008.
[J6]J.A. Taylor and J.L. Mathieu. “Index policies for demand response”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.3 (2014), pp. 1287-1295.
[J5]J.L. Mathieu, S. Koch, and D.S. Callaway. “State estimation and control of electric loads to manage real-time energy imbalance”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28.1 (2013), pp. 430-440.
[J4]J.L. Mathieu, D.S. Callaway, and S. Kiliccote. “Variability in automated responses of commercial buildings and industrial facilities to dynamic electricity prices”. In: Energy and Buildings 43.12 (2011), pp. 3322-3330.
[J3]J.L. Mathieu, P.N. Price, S. Kiliccote, and M.A. Piette. “Quantifying changes in building electricity use, with application to demand response”. In: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2.3 (2011), pp. 507-518.
[J2]J.L. Mathieu and J.K. Hedrick. “Transformation of a mismatched nonlinear dynamic system into strict feedback form”. In: ASME Journal of Dynamical Systems, Measurement, and Control 133.4 (2011), 041010.
[J1]J.L. Mathieu, A.J. Gadgil, S.E.A. Addy, and K. Kowolik. “Arsenic remediation of drinking water using iron-oxide coated coal bottom ash”. In: Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 45.11 (2010), pp. 1446-1460.


Book Chapters

[B4]J.L. Mathieu. “Algorithms for Energy Justice”. In: Women in Power: Research and Development Advances in Electric Power Systems, Springer Women in Engineering and Science Series. Ed. by Jill S. Tietjen, Marija D. Ilic, Lina Bertling Tjernberg, and Noel N. Schulz. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland. 2023. Also available here.
[B3]J.L. Mathieu. “Demand response: Coordination of flexible electric loads”. In: Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, 2nd Edition. Ed. by J. Baillieul and T. Samad. Springer: London, 2020.
[B2]G.S. Ledva, Z. Du, L. Balzano, and J.L. Mathieu. “Disaggregating load by type from distribution system measurements in real-time”. In: Energy Markets and Responsive Grids. Ed. by S. Meyn, T. Samad, I.A. Hiskens, and J. Stoustrup. Springer: London, 2018. Chap. 17, pp. 413-437.
[B1]J.A. Taylor and J.L. Mathieu. “Uncertainty in demand response — identification, estimation, and learning”. In: Tutorials in Operations Research: The Operations Research Revolution. Ed. by D. Aleman, A. Thiele, J.C. Smith, and H.J. Greenberg. INFORMS, 2015. Chap. 4, pp. 56–70.


Conference Papers

[C111]A. Stuhlmacher and J.L. Mathieu. “Demand response potential of drinking water distribution networks”. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Kona, HI, Jan. 2025.
[C110]J. Peng, S. Vijayshankar, J. King, and J.L. Mathieu. “Trade-offs between battery energy storage and hydrogen storage in off-grid green hydrogen systems”. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Kona, HI, Jan. 2025.
[C109]S. Jang, J.L. Mathieu, and N. Ozay. “Data-driven network-aware control of thermostatically controlled loads with unknown dynamics”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Milan, Italy, Dec. 2024.
[C108]M.R. Abdussami, J.L. Mathieu, and A. Verma. “­Evaluation of operational benefits of retrofitting nuclear-renewable integrated energy systems at coal plant sites”. In: Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Winter Conference and Expo. Orlando, FL, Nov. 2024.
[C107]J. Knudtson and J.L. Mathieu. “Topological models underestimate the impact of hazards on coupled power and water distribution systems”. In: Proceedings of the North American Power Symposium (NAPS). El Paso, TX, Oct. 2024.
[C106]X. Farrell and J.L. Mathieu. “Evaluating probabilistic load forecasting in predicting long-term household savings from electricity rate plan recommendations”. In: Proceedings of the North American Power Symposium (NAPS). El Paso, TX, Oct. 2024.
[C105]H. Moring, X. Farrell, and J.L. Mathieu. “Fair-over-time distributed energy resource coordination”. In: Proceedings of the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Urbana, IL, Sep. 2024, (Invited).
[C104]A.J. Lin and J.L. Mathieu. “The cost of HVAC demand response: Using experimental data to track down the causes of inefficiency in sub-hourly HVAC load shifting”. In: Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, CA, Aug. 2024.
[C103]A.J. Lin, S. Lei, and J.L. Mathieu. “Experimental investigation of building HVAC load-shifting efficiency”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. Seattle, WA, July 2024.
[C102]S. Chen, J.L. Mathieu, and P. Seiler. “The effects of renewable power and forecast error correlation on balancing reserve needs”. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS). Auckland, New Zealand, June 2024.
[C101]H. Moring, H. Nagarajan, K. Girigoudar, D.M. Fobes, and J.L. Mathieu. “Robust partitioning
and operation for maximal uncertain-load delivery in distribution grids”
. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) & Electric Power Systems Research. Paris-Saclay, France, June 2024.
[C100]H. Moring, S. Jang, N. Ozay, and J.L. Mathieu. “Nodal operating envelopes vs. network-wide constraints: what is better for network-safe coordination of DERs?” In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) & Electric Power Systems Research. Paris-Saclay, France, June 2024.
[C99]I.M. Granitsas, I.A. Hiskens, and J.L. Mathieu. “Nonlinear behavior in high-frequency aggregate control of thermostatically controlled loads”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) & Electric Power Systems Research. Paris-Saclay, France, June 2024.
[C98]A. Stuhlmacher, J.L. Mathieu, and P. Seiler. “Optimizing dual-axis solar panel operation in an agrivoltaic system and implications for power systems”. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Honolulu, HI, Jan. 2024.
[C97]H. Moring and J.L. Mathieu. “Inexactness of second order cone relaxations for calculating operating envelopes”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm). Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 2023.
[C96]S. Chen, J.L. Mathieu, and P. Seiler. “Stochastic planning of a mostly-renewable power grid”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). Bridgetown, Barbados, Aug. 2023.
[C95]I. Granitsas, I.A. Hiskens, J.L. Mathieu, and G.S. Ledva. “Parameter identifiability and estimation of thermostatically controlled loads”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society PowerTech Conference. Belgrade, Serbia, June 2023.
[C94]H. Moring and J.L. Mathieu. “A comparison of strategies for managing energy constraints of energy storage providing frequency regulation”. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Lahaina, Maui, HI, Jan. 2023.
[C93]S. Jang, N. Ozay, and J.L. Mathieu. “Data-driven estimation of probabilistic constraints for network-safe distributed energy resource control”. In: Proceedings of the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Monticello, IL, Oct. 2022, (Invited).
[C92]O. Oyefeso, G.S. Ledva, M. Almassalkhi, I.A. Hiskens, and J.L. Mathieu. “Control of aggregate air-conditioning load using packetized energy concepts”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). Trieste, Italy, Aug. 2022.
[C91]I. Granitsas, I.A. Hiskens, and J.L. Mathieu. “Incorporating delayed temperature dynamics into residential air conditioner models for grid frequency regulation”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). Trieste, Italy, Aug. 2022.
[C90]A. Stuhlmacher and J.L. Mathieu. “Uncertainty-aware methods for leveraging water pumping flexibility for power networks”. In: Proceedings of the IREP Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control. Banff, Canada, July 2022.
[C89]S. Chen, J.L. Mathieu, and P. Seiler. “Stochastic model predictive controller for wind farm frequency regulation in waked conditions”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) & Electric Power Systems Research. Porto, Portugal, June 2022.
[C88]A. Stuhlmacher and J.L. Mathieu. “Flexible drinking water pumping to provide multiple grid services”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) & Electric Power Systems Research. Porto, Portugal, June 2022.
[C87]H. Moring and J.L. Mathieu. “Scheduling battery energy storage systems under battery capacity degradation uncertainty.” In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). Atlanta, GA, June 2022.
[C86]S.A. Nugroho, I.M. Granitsas, J.L. Mathieu, and I.A. Hiskens. “Aggregate modeling and non-disruptive control of residential air conditioning systems with two-zone cooling capacity”. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). Atlanta, GA, June 2022.
[C85]J. Peng, J.L. Mathieu, C. Hausman, and J. Buchsbaum. “Long-term impacts of energy storage providing regulation on power plant retirements and system emissions”. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Jan. 2022.
[C84]A. Stuhlmacher, L. Roald, and J.L. Mathieu. “Tractable robust drinking water pumping to provide power network voltage support”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Dec. 2021.
[C83]S. Jang, N. Ozay, and J.L. Mathieu. “Large-scale invariant sets for safe coordination of thermostatic loads.” In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). May 2021.
[C82]H.P. Lee, S. Lei, and J.L. Mathieu. “Generation scheduling to limit PM2.5 emissions and dispersion: A study on the Seasonal Management System of South Korea”. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (previously ISGT-Asia, canceled due to COVID-19). Nov. 2020.
[C81]A. Keskar, S. Lei, T. Webb, S. Nagy, H. Lee, I.A. Hiskens, J.L. Mathieu, and J.X. Johnson. “Stay cool and be flexible: Energy-efficient grid services using commercial buildings HVAC systems”. In: Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Aug. 2020.
[C80]S.C. Ross and J.L. Mathieu. “A method for ensuring a load aggregator’s power deviations are safe for distribution networks”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) & Electric Power Systems Research. June 2020. 
[C79]A. Stuhlmacher and J.L. Mathieu. “Water distribution networks as flexible loads: A chance-constrained programming approach”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) & Electric Power Systems Research. June 2020. 
[C78]M. Yao and J.L. Mathieu. “Overcoming the practical challenges of applying Steinmetz circuit design to mitigate voltage unbalance using distributed solar PV”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) & Electric Power Systems Research. June 2020.  
[C77]S. Lei, D. Hong, J.L. Mathieu, and I.A. Hiskens. “Baseline estimation of commercial building HVAC fan power using tensor decomposition”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) & Electric Power Systems Research. June 2020. 
[C76]D. Hong, S. Lei, J.L. Mathieu, and L. Balzano, “Exploration of tensor decomposition applied to commercial building baseline estimation”. In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP). Ottawa, Canada, Nov. 2019.
[C75]A. Stuhlmacher and J.L. Mathieu. “Chance-constrained water pumping managing power distribution network constraints”. In: Proceedings of the North American Power Symposium (NAPS). Wichita, KS, Oct. 2019.
[C74]N. Farquhar and J.L. Mathieu. “Demand response potential of residential thermostatically controlled loads in Michigan”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. Atlanta, GA, Aug. 2019.
[C73]S.C. Ross, P. Nilsson, N. Ozay, and J.L Mathieu. “Managing voltage excursions on the distribution network by limiting the aggregate variability of thermostatic loads”. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). Philadelphia, PA, July 2019, (Invited). 
[C72]S.C. Ross, N. Ozay, and J.L. Mathieu. “Coordination between an aggregator and distribution operator to achieve network-aware load control”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society PowerTech Conference. Milan, Italy, June 2019.
[C71]M. Yao, I.A. Hiskens, and J.L. Mathieu. “Applying Steinmetz circuit design to mitigate unbalance using distributed solar PV”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society PowerTech Conference. Milan, Italy, June 2019.
[C70]A. Kern, J.X. Johnson, and J.L. Mathieu. “Environmental impacts of using energy storage aggregations to provide multiple services”. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Wailea, Maui, HI, Jan. 2019.
[C69]M. Yao, I.A. Hiskens, and J.L. Mathieu “Improving power system voltage stability by using demand response to maximize the distance to the closest saddle-node bifurcation”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Miami, FL, Dec. 2018.
 [C68]G.S. Ledva, L. Balzano, and J.L. Mathieu. “Exploring connections between a multiple model Kalman filter and dynamic fixed share with applications to demand response”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. 2018.
[C67]A. Keskar, D. Anderson, J.X. Johnson, I.A. Hiskens, and J.L. Mathieu. “Experimental investigation of the additional energy consumed by building HVAC systems providing grid ancillary services”. In: Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, CA, Aug. 2018.
[C66]G.S. Ledva, S. Peterson, and J.L Mathieu. “Benchmarking of aggregate residential load models used for demand response”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. Portland, OR, Aug. 2018.
[C65]B. Li, J.L Mathieu, and R. Jiang. “Distributionally robust chance-constrained optimal power flow assuming log-concave distributions”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). Dublin, Ireland, June 2018.
[C64]L. Herre, L. Söder, and J.L Mathieu . “The flexibility of thermostatically controlled loads a function of price notice time”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). Dublin, Ireland, June 2018.
[C63]M. Yao, D.K. Molzahn, and J.L Mathieu . “The impact of load models in an algorithm for improving voltage stability via demand response”. In: Proceedings of the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Monticello, IL, Oct. 2017, (Invited).
[C62]S. Forrester, A. Zaman, J.L Mathieu, and J.X. Johnson. “Policy and market barriers to energy storage providing multiple services“. In: Proceedings of the Energy Policy Research Conference. Park City, Utah, Sept. 2017.
[C61]K. Koorehdavoudi, M. Yao, J.L Mathieu, and S. Roy. “Using demand response to shape the fast dynamics of the bulk power network”. In: Proceedings of the IREP Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control. Espinho, Portugal, Aug. 2017.
[C60]M.S. Nazir, S.C. Ross, J.L Mathieu, and I.A. Hiskens. “Performance limits of thermostatically controlled loads under probabilistic switching“. In: Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France, July 2017.
[C59]M. Yao, J.L Mathieu, and D.K. Molzahn. “Using demand response to improve power system voltage stability margins”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society PowerTech Conference. Manchester, UK, June 2017.
[C58]S.C. Ross, G. Vuylsteke, and J.L Mathieu. “Effects of load control for real-time energy balancing on distribution network constraints”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society PowerTech Conference. Manchester, UK, June 2017.
[C57]Y. Zhang, S. Shen, B. Li, and J.L Mathieu. “Two-stage distributionally robust optimal power flow with flexible loads”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society PowerTech Conference. Manchester, UK, June 2017.
[C56]J. Chang, S. Maroukis, F. Pinto, A. Zeynu, J.L Mathieu, and S. Shen. “An interactive game introducing power flow optimization concepts”. In: Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Columbus, OH, June 2017.
[C55]G.S. Ledva and J.L. Mathieu. “A linear approach to manage input delays while supplying frequency regulation using residential loads”. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). Seattle, WA, May 2017, (Invited).
[C54]S. Afshari, J.Wolfe, M.S. Nazir, I.A. Hiskens, J.X. Johnson, J.L Mathieu, Y. Lin, A.K. Barnes, D.A. Geller, and S.N. Backhaus. “An experimental study of energy consumption in buildings providing ancillary services”. In: Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) –  USA. Arlington, VA, Apr. 2017.
[C53]B. Li, R. Jiang, and J.L. Mathieu. “Distributionally robust risk-constrained optimal power flow using moment and unimodality information”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 2016.
[C52]B. Li, S. Maroukis, Y. Lin, and J.L. Mathieu. “Impact of uncertainty from load-based reserves and renewables on dispatch costs and emissions”. In: Proceedings of the North American Power Symposium (NAPS). Denver, CO, Sept. 2016.
[C51]Y. Lin, J.L Mathieu, J.X. Johnson, I.A. Hiskens, and S. Backhaus. “Explaining inefficiencies in buildings providing ancillary services”. In: Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, CA, Aug. 2016.
[C50]S. Crocker and J.L Mathieu. “Adaptive state estimation and control of thermostatic loads for realtime energy balancing”. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). Boston, MA, July 2016, (Invited).
[C49]J.A. Taylor and J.L Mathieu. “Strategic bidding in electricity markets with only renewables”. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). Boston, MA, July 2016, (Invited).
[C48]O. Mégel, G. Andersson, and J.L. Mathieu. “Reducing the computational effort of stochastic multiperiod DC optimal power flow with storage”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). Genoa, Italy, June 2016.
[C47]J.L. Mathieu and J.A. Taylor. “Controlling nonlinear batteries for power systems: trading off performance and battery life”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). Genoa, Italy, June 2016.
[C46]Y. Lin, J.L. Mathieu, and J.X. Johnson. “Stochastic optimal power flow formulation to achieve emissions objectives with energy storage”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). Genoa, Italy, June 2016.
[C45]J. Liu, G. Martinez, B. Li, J.L Mathieu, and C.L. Anderson. “A comparison of robust and probabilistic reliability for systems with renewables and responsive demand”. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Koloa, HI, Jan. 2016.
[C44]C. Zhong and J.L. Mathieu. “Relation between overheating of distribution transformers and switching frequency of electric loads used for demand response.” In: Proceedings of the North American Power Symposium (NAPS). Charlotte, NC, Oct. 2015.
[C43]G. Vuylsteke, J.L. Mathieu, and P.D. Howe. “Environmental and economic benefits of non-disruptive demand response as a function of consumer information sharing”. In: Proceedings of the North American Power Symposium (NAPS). Charlotte, NC, Oct. 2015.
[C42]G.S. Ledva, L. Balzano, and J.L Mathieu. “Inferring the behavior of distributed energy resources with online learning”. In: Proceedings of the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Monticello, IL, Oct. 2015, (invited).
[C41]G. Martinez, J. Liu, B. Li, J.L Mathieu, and C.L. Anderson. “Enabling renewable resource integration: The balance between robustness and flexibility”. In: Proceedings of the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Monticello, IL, Oct. 2015, (Invited).
[C40]Y. Zhang, S. Shen, and J.L. Mathieu. “Data-driven optimization approaches for optimal power flow with uncertain reserves from load control”. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). Chicago, IL, Jul. 2015, (Invited). NOTE: There are several errors in the formulation; please see J15 instead.
[C39]Y. Lin, P. Barooah, and J.L. Mathieu. “Ancillary services to the grid from commercial buildings through demand scheduling and control”. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). Chicago, IL, Jul. 2015, (Invited).
[C38]B. Li and J.L. Mathieu. “Analytical reformulation of chance-constrained optimal power flow with uncertain load control”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society PowerTech Conference. Eindhoven, Netherlands, June 2015.
[C37]P. Fortenbacher, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Optimal real-time control of multiple battery sets for power system applications”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society PowerTech Conference. Eindhoven, Netherlands, June 2015.
[C36]O. Mégel, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Stochastic dual dynamic programming to schedule energy storage units providing multiple services”. In: Proceedings of the IIEEE Power & Energy Society PowerTech Conference. Eindhoven, Netherlands, June 2015.
[C35]G.S. Ledva, E. Vrettos, S. Mastellone, G. Andersson, and J.L. Mathieu. “Applying networked estimation and control algorithms to address communication bandwidth limitations and latencies in demand response”. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Grand Hyatt, Kauai, HI, Jan. 2015.
[C34]Q. Wang, M. Liu, and J.L. Mathieu. “Adaptive demand response: Online learning of restless and controlled bandits”. In: IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm). Venice, Italy, Nov. 2014.
[C33]E. Vrettos, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Control of thermostatic loads using moving horizon estimation of individual load states”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). Wroclaw, Poland, Aug. 2014.
[C32]O. Mégel, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Scheduling distributed energy storage units to provide multiple services”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). Wroclaw, Poland, Aug. 2014.
[C31]P. Fortenbacher, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Modeling, identification, and optimal control of batteries for power system applications”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). Wroclaw, Poland, Aug. 2014.
[C30]J.L. Mathieu, T.B. Rasmussen, M. Sørensen, H. Jóhannsson, and G. Andersson. “Technical resource potential of non-disruptive residential demand response in Denmark”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. National Harbor, MD, July 2014.
[C29]E. Vrettos, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Demand response with moving horizon estimation of individual thermostatic load states from aggregate power measurements”. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). Portland, OR, June 2014.
[C28]M. Vrakopoulou, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Stochastic optimal power flow with uncertain reserves from demand response”. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikoloa, Hawaii, HI, Jan. 2014.
[C27]J. Liu, S. Li, W. Zhang, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Rizzoni. “Planning and control of electric vehicles using dynamic energy capacity models”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Florence, Italy, Dec. 2013.
[C26]J.A. Taylor and J.L. Mathieu. “Index policies for demand response under uncertainty”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Florence, Italy, Dec. 2013, (Invited).
[C25]N.J. Addy, J.L. Mathieu, S. Kiliccote, and D.S. Callaway. “Understanding the effect of baseline modeling implementation choices on analysis of demand response performance”. In: Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE). LBNL-5560E. San Diego, CA, Nov. 2013.
[C24]J.L. Mathieu, M. González Vayá, and G. Andersson. “Uncertainty in the flexibility of aggregations of demand response resources”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Conference (IECON). Vienna, Austria, Nov. 2013, (Invited).
[C23]O. Mégel, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Maximizing the potential of energy storage for fast frequency control”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) – Europe. Copenhagen, Denmark, Oct. 2013.
[C22]M. Vrakopoulou, S. Chatzivasileiadis, E. Iggland, M. Imhof, T. Krause, O. Mäkelä, J.L. Mathieu, L. Roald, R. Wiget, and G. Andersson. “A unified analysis of security-constrained OPF formulations considering uncertainty, risk, and controllability in single and multi-area systems”. In: Proceedings of the IREP Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control. Rethymnon, Greece, Aug. 2013.
[C21]M. Kamgarpour, C. Ellen, S.E.Z. Soudjani, S. Gerwinn, J.L. Mathieu, N. Müller, A. Abate, D.S. Callaway, M. Franzle, and J. Lygeros. “Modeling options for demand side participation of thermostatically controlled loads”. In: Proceedings of the IREP Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control. Rethymnon, Greece, Aug. 2013.
[C20]F. Oldewurtel, T. Borsche, M. Bucher, P. Fortenbacher, M. González Vayá, T. Haring, J.L. Mathieu, O. Mégel, E. Vrettos, and G. Andersson. “A framework for and assessment of demand response and energy storage in power systems”. In: Proceedings of the IREP Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control. Rethymnon, Greece, Aug. 2013.
[C19]J.L. Mathieu, M. Kamgarpour, J. Lygeros, and D.S. Callaway. “Energy arbitrage with thermostatically controlled loads”. In: Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC). Zurich, Switzerland, July 2013, (Invited).
[C18]J.L. Mathieu, T. Haring, J. Ledyard, and G. Andersson. “Residential demand response program design: engineering and economic perspectives”. In: Proceedings of the European Energy Markets Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, May 2013.
[C17]T. Haring, J.L. Mathieu, and G. Andersson. “Decentralized contract design for demand response”. In: Proceedings of the European Energy Markets Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, May 2013.
[C16]J.A. Taylor, J.L. Mathieu, D.S. Callaway, and K. Poolla. “Price and capacity competition in zero-mean storage and demand response markets”. In: Proceedings of the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Monticello, IL, Oct. 2012, (Invited).
[C15]J.L. Mathieu, M. Dyson, and D.S. Callaway. “Using residential electric loads for fast demand response: The potential resource and revenues, the costs, and policy recommendations”. In: Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, CA, Aug. 2012.
[C14]J.L. Mathieu and D.S. Callaway. “State estimation and control of heterogeneous thermostatically controlled loads for load following”. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Wailea, Maui, HI, Jan. 2012, pp. 2002-2011.
[C13]J.L. Mathieu, D.S. Callaway, and S. Kiliccote. “Examining uncertainty in demand response baseline models and variability in automated responses to dynamic pricing”. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC). LBNL-5096E. Dec. 2011, (Invited).
[C12]S. Koch, J.L. Mathieu, and D.S. Callaway. “Modeling and control of aggregated heterogeneous thermostatically controlled loads for ancillary services”. In: Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2011.
[C11]P.N. Price, J.L. Mathieu, S. Kiliccote, and M.A. Piette. “Using whole-building electric load data in continuous or retro-commissioning”. In: Proceedings of the National Conference on Building Commissioning. Cincinnati, OH, Aug. 2011.
[C10]G. Ghatikar, J.L. Mathieu, M.A. Piette, and S. Kiliccote. “Open automated demand response technologies for dynamic pricing and smart grid”. In: Proceedings of the Grid Interop Forum. LBNL-4028E. Chicago, IL, Dec. 2010.
[C9]S. Kiliccote, M.A. Piette, J.L. Mathieu, and K. Parrish. “Findings from seven years of field performance data for automated demand response in commercial buildings”. In: Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. LBNL-3643E. Pacific Grove, CA, Aug. 2010.
[C8]J.L. Mathieu and J.K. Hedrick. “Robust multivariable dynamic surface control for position tracking of a bicycle”. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). June 2010, pp. 1159-1165.
[C7]J.L. Mathieu, A.J. Gadgil, D.S. Callaway, P.N. Price, and S. Kiliccote. “Characterizing the response of commercial and industrial facilities to dynamic pricing signals from the utility”. In: Proceedings of the ASME International Conference on Energy Sustainability. LBNL-3682E. Phoenix, AZ, May 2010.
[C6]J.L. Mathieu, A.J. Gadgil, K. Kowolik, S. Qazi, and A.M. Agogino. “Design strategies and preliminary prototype for a low-cost arsenic removal system for rural Bangladesh”. In: Proceedings of the WEDC Conference on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: Sustainable Development and Multisectoral Approaches. LBNL-2696E. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 2009.
[C5]J.L. Mathieu, A. Gadgil, K. Kowolik, and S.E.A. Addy. “Removing arsenic from contaminated drinking water in rural Bangladesh: Recent fieldwork results and policy implications”. In: Proceedings of the UNC Environmental Symposium on Safe Drinking Water: Where Science Meets Policy. LBNL-2717E. Chapel Hill, NC, Nov. 2008.
[C4]M.B. Greytak, J.L. Mathieu, K.S. Wasserman, A.K. Baker, J.D. Chambers, and B.M. Mueller. “From waves to watts: A wave energy conversion device for the Charles River Basin”. In: Proceedings of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) New England Section Student Paper Night. Cambridge, MA, Feb. 2004.
[C3]K.S. Wasserman, J.L. Mathieu, M.I. Wolf, A. Hathi, S.E. Fried, and A.K. Baker. “Dynamic buoyancy control of an ROV using a variable ballast tank”. In: Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society/IEEE OCEANs conference. Vol. 5. San Diego, CA, Sept. 2003, SP2888–SP2893.
[C2]J.L. Mathieu and A.K. Hansen. “A chemical sensor to aid in the search for underwater archaeological sites”. In: Proceedings of the Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute (AUSI) International Symposium on Unmanned, Untethered Submersible Technologies (UUST). Durham, NH, Aug. 2003.
[C1]J.L. Mathieu and A.K. Hansen. “A chemical sensor to aid in the search for underwater archaeological sites”. In: Proceedings of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) New England Section Student Paper Night. Cambridge, MA, Feb. 2003.



J. Mathieu. “Modeling, analysis, and control of demand response resources”. University of California, Berkeley. May 2012.
